We are excited to announce new USA Skimo programs focused on growing youth and masters skimo
racing in the United States. Sarah Cookler is leading our youth program. Molly Zurn is leading our
masters program. Both programs strive to be inclusive and welcoming, provide recognition to top youth
and masters racers, and be a source for ongoing engagement and communication.
In the first year, our top priority is adding under 14 (U14), under 16 (U16), and 45+ (M45) age divisions
to USSMA-sanctioned races. The A-Basin national qualifier races on December 10 (vertical) and
December 12 (individual) will include these divisions. Although youth and masters are not part of the
national team, we will recognize top finishers in U14, U16, and M45+. We hope to see lots of younger
and older racers at A-Basin this year!
USSMA youth and masters category races will be officially included in the USSMA National cup race
series where national ranking will be based on cumulative points at designated USSMA-sanctioned
races. We are also working on JR Devo and Masters athletes options to purchase race suits and jackets.
More details coming soon.
Program Registration for JR Devos and Masters will start OCT 1st 2021. All we need from you is
commitment, engagement, and participation. You will need your membership number and email
address to join. “Slack” Channels will be created as the main means of communication. Let’s start
making plans for your 2021-2022 skimo race season!
Please let us know what else you want to see in the youth and masters programs. We’re eager for
feedback. Add your comments to USSMA Slack or send us an email at info@usmma.org.